Saturday, November 04, 2006

Just tell the truth!!

Some people have come to look into the issue of stem cell research and have honestly looked at the issue and come to the right conclusion. They have come to see that there is not hidden agenda with those who think that we should only do adult stem cell research. The facts are that those on the other side trying to do embryonic stem cell research are in fact trying to do cloning. To date all those mysterious cures that they will supposedly find with embryonic stem cells have not been found.

Here is the reason why they will never find anything good through the destruction of life. God created us!! We are not the product of evolution. If we were then I would support embryonic stem cell research. I would also propose that we each follow our own animal instincts and live out our feelings to the best of our abilities. If we are only animals then it should be "survival of the fittest".

The good done by adult stem cell research is un-avoidable!! Honestly look at the issue and stop basing your opinion off of what other people say.

The Facts!!


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