Thursday, May 12, 2005

Preacher politicians

Don't misunderstand me after this post. I believe that preachers, elders, pastors and other Church leaders need to speak out on moral issues and encourage congregations to vote in elections.

As the debate has turned some and now they are talking about changing the laws to allow preachers to talk about politics from the pulpit my thinking has changed. At first I was like, yes they should be able to talk about specific people, then as I have learned and observed, my mind has changed.

The only reason Republicans, of which I am one, want the change is because the politicians have realized that at this point it will benefit them. Winds of change blow by and it will benefit the other party. This also puts the power in the hands of a religious leader to manipulate un-educated(about politics), un-informed people.

Our system is supposed to work by people becoming educated about what the candidates believe, their convictions and their goals. It needs to stay that way. Like it or not people are sometimes blind followers.

Another simpler explanation is the fact that the law has been working well up till this time. LEAVE IT ALONE!! A change would bring about another change and before you know it Churches and other non-profits would not be tax-exempt. This would be devastating to our country.

This comment was prompted by this article on


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