Monday, December 04, 2006

Save the idiotic penguins yourselves!!

We UNFORTUNATELY went and saw Happy Feet. Started off really slow then got kind of exciting in the middle and just when you saw it start to become an OK movie it turned into some kind of political CRAP. I don't use that word often however this occasion requires strong language.

I call it a "Hollywood celebrity love fest for no good reason". One message is that even if the great penguin in the sky says something should be a certain way and that is the way we have always been that we shouldn't care about being born different. You can apply that many different ways but I think it was pretty clear.

Second the message was that by fishing we are destroying the penguins habitat. Now, be careful here. We do need to be cautious that we don't upset the ecosystem in any place so much that the animals that live there all die off. However, if the earth has been here millions or billions of years and they still aren't dead, either they are strong enough to make it or they just haven't been eliminated by a more dominant species.

Thirdly, and probably the most disturbing, was the message that the UN could do something useful. Of all the organizations, that it the least useful of all. If you want to get something done that is useful you should contact the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, or maybe some other charity that actually really cares about people. They should take all the money from the film, and each of the actors should take the millions they got from the film and give it to charity. Then maybe I would listen. Maybe...

Please don't further the cause by seeing the movie. It is not worth it.


Blogger HazMatt said...

That was good bro,nicely stated.
I like the way you put that all out there.
I must call you out though....
You have not addressed the elections. You expended alot of energy in the run-up and now...silence....
What gives!!!???

5:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, you posted!!

8:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did it cause excessive toe tapping?

Okay, I wasn't going to respond to your conservative rhetoric but my new hobby is chop busting.

However, if the earth has been here millions or billions of years and they still aren't dead, either they are strong enough to make it or they just haven't been eliminated by a more dominant species.

I've got to point out that surviving in a natural habitat and facing natural danger is a HUGE difference from having your world destroyed by commercial fishing. I think we've probably already moved WAY past "not upsetting the ecosystem in a hugely destructive way"

Anyway enough chop busting. Have you seen the Nativity Story? I saw it Monday and it was good. Go see it and then post about it.

4:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you want a C++ GUI programming guide for Christmas? Why do you have comment moderation turned on? It's very frustrating. Kind of like your political views.

3:17 PM  
Blogger Minchanian said...

So are you guys trying to tell me that I should just review movies and not do political commentary?? I have really gotten into 24. It is a cool show, has good political undertones to it.

Rage, If you have one you are giving away that would be fine but if you were going to buy one then a VB .Net GUI programming guide would be fine, as long as it is for experts.

10:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I kinda enjoy the political commentary even thought I rarely agree :)

I was off the 24 train for a while but I recently hopped back on. Keifer is dreamy.

10:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey it's a movie for little kids, if you don't want political crap thrown in your movies go watch an adult movie void of politics but lots of sex, killing, and more sex.

12:11 PM  
Blogger HazMatt said...

Back in the 6o's, I used to smoke rolled-up penguins.

6:10 AM  
Blogger Minchanian said...

Whoever anonymous is. The whole point was that I expected it to be a kids movie, I went with my 4 year old. IT WASN'T A KIDS MOVIE!!

8:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, I hate anonymous commenters. It's easy to be so smug when you don't identify yourself. Grow a pair!

9:37 PM  
Blogger Brandon said...

where's the new post you promised me?

10:30 AM  

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