Tuesday, June 28, 2005

VT Expos, A night at the Ball Game

Originally uploaded by Minchanian.
We went to see the Vermont Expos last night on IBM's tab. They had a family night. We got free tickets plus each of us go a hot dog and soft drink. Expos lost to the Tigers(Canadian team) 2-7. Uneventfull game overall.

The event did remind me of why I never played sports. People's attitudes fluxuate so fast. One moment a player is their hero the next he is their worst enemy when he makes a mistake.

Friday, June 24, 2005

The hypocricy of political "morality"

I am getting sick of poloticians who cater to those of us who want moral laws to be upheld and some standard of decency upheld in our society constantly disregard all sense of desency and run their mouths. It used to be socially and morally unacceptable to use foul language in public places. To say the least it was rude. We all know that the VP of the united states used some pretty foul language and just recently the governor of Texas used some pretty foul language towards a reporter. This is unacceptable. How are our children supposed to grow up knowing how to act appropriately. Will we go back to the days of old in business where it was acceptable to act like idiots. At IBM meeting used to be swear festivals. The worse you could swear the better you were.

What ever happened to being civil, whatever happened to controlling the anger you have instead of speaking your mind. The book of Proverbs says that a fool speaks what his mind says but a wise man holds his toungue. I am particularly disgusted at members of my own party who lower themselves down to the standard that they put their counterparts at. If you are not genuine in your morality then don't act like you are just to get votes. You are selfish and extremely shortsighted. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAArrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!

Monday, June 20, 2005

God's Canvas

God's Canvas
Originally uploaded by Minchanian.
I am just checking out the services that flickr.com can offer me. They seem to be able to allow you to do more stuff with the pictures. I wish webshots would do more. Sniff, Sniff

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

How on earth???

How on earth did the Democratic party become a place for Black people???? I stumbled across the following article. GOP's Proud black legacy.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Dean - In touch with all ??????

I may be a prophet but I think that the Democratic party is going to see terrible backlash from Dean's comment. Dean has shown before that he is seriously out of touch with the American people. The media doesn't constitute the American people. The reason the Republican party may be listening to Christians is the fact that they found out that we vote. People who care vote. If you are being elected by Christians and the concensus is that we want to stick the the values that we have held through the years, then what is the problem?? According to some studies over 80% of Americans call themselves Christians and close to 50% of those people attend Church during the year. I think that Dean is right that the Democratic party has become the party for all the other people. All the other people don't represent America as a whole.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Do we need Bill Gates?

Rarely does MSNBC have anything I agree with, nor do they have articles that show the writers using their brains and logic. However they have broken the mold. The following is an article about the testing soon to be done on babies before they are born to check for "defects". The only negative thing was that it basically says that geeks are autistic. Shows how much we know. Should Bill Gates have been born?? MSNBC