Wednesday, February 08, 2006

What is a hate crime?

A couple days ago some druggy whacked out person went into a gay bar and shot it up. The man, I believe ended up killing his girlfriend and was himself shot by the police. This man had a very troubled past and has a pretty sorry history. The media labeled it a hate crime immediately.

On the other hand a total of 9 churches both black and white congregations have been burnt to a crisp in the past couple of days. A total of 59 Churches have been burnt to the ground in the past 5 years. They suspect arson.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Acceptable State of the Union Speech

After listening to some of the early morning talk shows I believe this is an acceptable speech for GW to have made.


Good evening. The state of the Union has never been worse. I have done a horrible job. I lied about the war. We shouldn't be there in Iraq. I have killed 2000 innocent American soldiers and should be executed for such an atrocity. I am sorry my economic policies allowing trees to be cut down and for emissions on cars to be cut in half have caused hurricane Katrina. I am sorry that I even tried to give them any money because my administration is incompetent and cannot handle dispersing the money. I should have given it to the New Orleans Mardi Gras organizers, they would have done a better job. I am so sorry that I have cut taxes and caused so many welfare people to have to work. It must be stressful. I am sorry I didn't appoint the people that the democrats wanted to the Supreme court so they could re-write the constitution. I am sorry I didn't just quit when I found out that I won the popular vote but the Democrats say I stole the election and as a man of honor I should have stepped down at the very thought.

I am sorry I am alive but I have good news for you all. I am not going to run for president again!!! Republicans suck, GW is a shmuck. Kennedy, Boxer, and Biden should run the country. Bye!!!

This would be the only acceptable speech for the Left wing wackos. Even a speech written by their own but spoken by the President would be unacceptable.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

The Picture

Originally uploaded by Minchanian.
Here is the picture that should appear below.