Congress and their "services to the people"
Recently I read an article on how congress had been caving in to right wing conservative groups. Being a right wing conservative I resent that. Apparently according to the latest election the majority of Americans are more conservative than the media would like you to think. Our downfall as a whole is that we have tried to think the best of poloticians and therefore lots of people didn't vote because they didn't think that they needed to. Now years later Congress and the courts have decided to take on the deeper issues of morality. This now becomes difficult because we have been teaching evolution in our schools for a couple decades now. The Bible has been forced out of public schools. In Vermont where I live, and I believe in many other states the Bible originally was the only textbook. As an educator you are only allowed to share your belief if it coincides with the administration of the school. The media and Hollywood has run unchecked for decades.
The result of all this is that we have a very skewed view of morality, God's involvment in our lives, and in general a very twisted view of what free speech means. To offend used to mean that we didn't use what everyone considered to foul language in public places. Now even the most "vulgar" language is flowing freely in every public place. It makes me think that we maybe are in some kind of regressive evolution or something. Humans are getting stupider.
How can our society and especially our government deem themselves worthy to be the judge over these moral issues. When you take away any basis for morality there becomes nothing immoral. When you open that can of worms, please tell me, where do you stop? Honestly, there is no stopping place. Sin is very regressive, the more you sin the deeper you must delve into sin if you don't check yourself. That is exactly where we are going. I know it and you, you know who you are, know it. I have(and still have) sin in my life. I have let it run rampant before and the end of it was more pain, until I made it right. If I allow my sins now to overcome me then I will be pulled deeper and deeper into sin.
My point in this rant is that the government should leave the deeper issues alone. The people have spoken their will and will continue to do so. Contrary to public opinion we live in a republic, a society governed by the rule of law. Lately we have been something else. Judges seem to know better than we do what law should be. Get this, a Nebraska Judge OVERTURNED A CONSTITUTIONAL AMMENDMENT!!! How on earth can one man be allowed to make that decision. The Constitution is supposed to be the highest law and the judges are supposed to interpret it. Gay are not given special priveleges in the constitution. If we look back to when all the constitutions were written we would find that the society then would definitely have never put any rights for them in the Constitution. I know here in Vermont that is true. 100 years ago the law wasn't very friendly to them.
We are allowing people with no standards to apply their own standards to their decisions. They need to look at the laws and base their decision soley off the laws. Not personal opinion.
The American people want Bush's nominees to have an up or down vote. Obviously we didn't want John Kerry putting his people in there or we would have voted him in. Thank you for your attention if you have made it to the end of this post.